Pennsylvania Destination Name The ‘Most Unusual Town’ In The State

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Written By Blue & Gold NLR Team





If you’re searching for a distinctive and enchanting destination in Pennsylvania, consider visiting Lititz, a small town nestled in Lancaster County. Lititz boasts a rich history, a lively culture, and a peculiar personality that sets it apart from other towns in the state.

Lititz’s History

Established in 1756 by members of the Moravian Church, a Protestant denomination originating in Bohemia and Moravia, Lititz derives its name from a castle in the Czech Republic where the Moravians sought refuge from persecution. It stands out as Pennsylvania’s first planned community and one of America’s earliest. The town’s design included a central square, a church, a school, and a communal house. The Moravians embraced a simple and devout lifestyle, gaining renown for their contributions to music, education, and craftsmanship.

Lititz’s Culture

Lititz proudly upholds its cultural heritage rooted in Moravian traditions. The Lititz Moravian Congregation, still active, conducts services and events in the historic church and buildings. The Lititz Historical Foundation preserves and showcases artifacts and documents from the town’s history. Lititz Springs Park, a picturesque site with a spring-fed stream, fountain, bandshell, and pavilion, hosts various festivals and celebrations, including the Fourth of July, Lititz Craft Show, and Lititz Chocolate Walk.

Lititz’s Quirks

Lititz’s charm extends to its quirky aspects. The town boasts whimsical street names like Raspberry Lane, Owl Hill Road, Kissel Hill Road, and Tomato Pie Alley. Renowned for its pretzels since 1861, Lititz houses the Sturgis Pretzel House, America’s oldest commercial pretzel bakery, offering tours and demonstrations. Chocolate is another specialty, with the Wilbur Chocolate Company, founded in 1884. The Wilbur Chocolate Store and Museum showcase the history and variety of chocolate products, providing delectable treats and souvenirs.

Lititz caters to diverse interests, be it history, culture, or simple enjoyment. It truly earns its title as the most unusual town in Pennsylvania.


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