Coastal Dreams vs. Financial Realities: Navigating the High Costs of Seaside Living

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Written By Blue & Gold NLR Team





Living by the coast sounds dreamy, doesn’t it? But let’s talk about the real deal: the cost. Recently, Doxo’s Cost of Bills Index gave us some insights into what it actually means for your wallet to live in those picturesque coastal states. Here’s the scoop:

Coastal Living Ain’t Cheap

Yep, you guessed it. Living by the coast usually means shelling out more bucks every month. Doxo’s number-crunching revealed that places like Hawai’i, California, and Massachusetts are prime examples of this. Their living costs are way above the national average.

Top Dollar Spots

Hawai’i takes the cake for being the priciest place to set up camp by the sea. On average, households there drop a hefty $3,091 every month on essential expenses. That’s a whopping 45% more than what the rest of the country spends. And don’t think California and Massachusetts are far behind—they’re dishing out $3,010 and $2,817, respectively.

What’s Driving Up the Costs?

Well, a bunch of things, actually. Think higher housing prices, steeper utility bills (thanks, climate!), and those not-so-friendly healthcare and insurance premiums.

Wallets Feeling the Squeeze

With living costs shooting up faster than incomes, folks all over are feeling the pinch. In the last year alone, household bills jumped by 4%, leaving income growth eating its dust. This hits especially hard in places where living is already pricey.

Not All States Are Created Equal

While some places make your wallet whimper, others give it a breather. Take West Virginia, for example. There, households spend a cool $1,596 monthly on essentials, which is a sweet 25% below the national average.

Balancing the Books

When you’re eyeing that coastal dream, it’s smart to factor in what you’re bringing home. Sure, places like Hawai’i might have sky-high living costs, but they often come with beefed-up incomes too. Doxo’s got your back with this, adjusting its index to give you a fairer comparison.

Looking Ahead

As bills keep climbing, it’s time to get real about budgeting. Knowing what you’re up against in those coastal havens can help you make savvy choices about where—and how—you plant your roots. Whether you’re ready to dive into seaside serenity or cozy up inland, having a solid budget plan is key to keeping your finances afloat.


Living by the coast is like a double-edged sword: you get the breathtaking views and the cool ocean breeze, but you also get the hefty bills.

By crunching the numbers, you’ll get a clear picture of what it really takes to make those coastal dreams a reality. So, whether you’re gearing up for a life by the waves or eyeing the green pastures inland, budgeting savvy is your best friend for a financially sound journey.

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