Staying Cool in the Heat: Tips for Beating the Summer Swelter

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Written By Blue & Gold NLR Team





As the summer sun beats down on New York, finding the right setting for your air conditioning becomes crucial for staying comfortable without burning through your energy budget. But what’s the magic number for your thermostat during a heatwave, and how can you keep cool without sending your electricity bill skyrocketing?

The Department of Energy suggests setting your thermostat to a temperature that feels comfortable to you, while also considering humidity levels.

They note that keeping the indoor and outdoor temperature gap small can help reduce cooling costs. It’s also essential to factor in health considerations, budget constraints, and alternative cooling methods like fans.

Although they don’t give a precise number, the Department of Energy recommends adjusting your thermostat to be 4 degrees warmer while sleeping and 7 degrees warmer when you’re away from home to save energy.

Rochester Electric and Gas advises setting your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher. They highlight that each degree above 75 degrees can save you 3% on your cooling energy consumption. Surprisingly, a slightly warmer indoor temperature can actually slow down heat from entering your living space, offering additional savings on your AC bill.

However, a Consumer Reports survey found that many people with central air conditioning prefer a cooler indoor environment, typically setting their thermostat to a median temperature of 72 degrees.

Few respondents opted for temperatures warmer than 76 degrees, indicating a preference for cooler indoor climates despite potential energy savings.

But what if you want to cool your home without relying solely on air conditioning? Opening windows overnight can provide relief from the daytime heat, especially since Rochester experiences moderate overnight lows during the summer months.

However, Climate Central’s analysis suggests that summer nights are getting warmer, making it more challenging to cool off after a hot day, particularly in urban areas and low-income neighborhoods.

To keep your air conditioning bills manageable while staying comfortable, consider these energy-saving tips:

  • Use ceiling fans to boost comfort while using minimal energy. Energy Star estimates that raising your thermostat by just 2 degrees and using a ceiling fan can reduce AC costs by up to 14%, but remember to turn the fan off when you leave the room.
  • Invest in a programmable thermostat to regulate energy usage, especially when you’re not at home. Some utility companies offer discounts on smart thermostats, helping you optimize your energy consumption.
  • Upgrade your window coverings with blinds and curtains to block out solar heat and reduce heat gain. Cellular shades and curtains with white-plastic backings are particularly effective in keeping excess heat at bay.
  • Keep heat-generating appliances away from your AC thermostat to avoid unnecessary cooling cycles, which can lead to higher energy consumption.

By following these strategies, you can stay cool and comfortable during even the hottest summer days while keeping your energy bills under control.

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