Ohio’s Dangerous Spiders During Mating Season

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Written By Blue & Gold NLR Team





Ohio’s spider population includes various venomous species, but only two are particularly hazardous to humans: the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse. Fortunately, encountering these spiders in Ohio is relatively uncommon, and spider bites, even from venomous species, are rare. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to remain cautious, especially during their mating season.

Brown Recluse

The Brown Recluse, as described in the “Common Spiders of Ohio” guide, is a rare sight in the state, often misidentified. Their appearances are more common during mating season in June or July when male spiders venture out in search of mates.

These spiders favor warm, dry, and dark habitats, frequently found outdoors near rocks or woodpiles and indoors in quiet, undisturbed areas.

Initial Brown Recluse bites are usually painless and easily overlooked. However, they can lead to a range of reactions, from mild irritation to severe complications.

Dr. Christopher Bazzoli from the Cleveland Clinic advises monitoring for symptoms such as a visible bite, subsequent scabbing, and potentially ulceration or an open wound in severe cases. Serious symptoms may include rash, fever, and vomiting, necessitating urgent medical attention.

Black Widow

The notorious Black Widow is less prevalent in Ohio compared to southern states, with only female spiders posing a bite risk. While generally non-aggressive, they may bite defensively, especially when their webs are disturbed. Breeding season for Black Widows typically occurs in late spring and early summer.

These spiders prefer warm, dry environments and may be found outdoors under rock ledges or indoors in cluttered spaces like basements and closets.

Their venom targets nerve endings, leading to intense muscle pain and cramping. Symptoms of a Black Widow bite include sharp pain, numbness, difficulty breathing, and fever, requiring immediate medical intervention.

Although encounters with these dangerous spiders are rare in Ohio, it’s important to stay vigilant, particularly during mating season. If bitten, seeking prompt medical assistance is crucial to ensure proper treatment and recovery.

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