North Carolina Rep. Ted Davis Criticized in Controversial Voicemail from CFPUA Board Member

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Written By Blue & Gold NLR Team



WILMINGTON, N.C. WECT – A voicemail left for North Carolina State Representative Ted Davis, Jr. has caused controversy within the Wilmington City Council.

Leslie Hudson, a board member of the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority CFPUA and an employee at UNC Wilmington, left the message on Dec. 11. In the 42-second voicemail, Hudson harshly criticized Rep. Davis and his assistant, Martha Jenkins, after Davis voted to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of Senate Bill 382.

“You’re a horrible person and a terrible delegate,” Hudson said in the voicemail. “You only represent rich people and Republicans. I hope you rot in hell.”

Hudson declined to speak on camera but shared an apology email sent to city leaders, including the mayor and city council. In her email, she admitted her words were inappropriate and emphasized that she was speaking as a private citizen, not on behalf of CFPUA.

“I regret my tone and choice of words,” Hudson wrote. “My actions reflect on the City and the Board, and for that, I am truly sorry.”

Rep. Davis called the voicemail “totally unacceptable,” particularly the comments about his assistant. He also said the incident reflects poorly on CFPUA and UNCW, where Hudson works.

The CFPUA stated it could not comment since it doesn’t control board appointments.

City Council member Luke Waddell, who received the voicemail from Davis, forwarded it to other city leaders and suggested the council discuss the matter at their Jan. 7 meeting.

“The tone and language in this message are unprofessional and troubling,” Waddell wrote. “This conduct is unbecoming of a Council appointee, and I urge the Council to address it.”

In her email, Hudson reiterated her opposition to Senate Bill 382, which she described as undermining North Carolina voters. The bill includes provisions for hurricane relief but also limits executive powers and contains unrelated measures.

Davis responded to Hudson via email, noting he had never received such a message in his 28 years in office. He highlighted his support for UNCW and CFPUA funding and questioned whether her comments were appropriate given her roles.

“I have received your apology and hope it is sincere,” Davis concluded.


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