New York City Named The Worst Place To Drive In The State

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Written By Blue & Gold NLR Team



It’s the worst place to drive in the state of New York, according to several studies and scores. New York City is the most famous and populous city in the United States. There aren’t many car repair shops per person in New York City, and the city has the worst traffic and infrastructure. It also has the highest parking fees.

Public Works and Traffic

New York City is known for having terrible traffic, especially during busy hours. A study by WalletHub found that out of 100 places, New York City had the worst traffic and infrastructure. The study looked at things like the number of hours spent in traffic each year, the quality of the roads and bridges, and how easy it was to use public transportation. It was also found that drivers in New York City spend the most time stuck in traffic—133 hours a year on average. This is the most of any city.

The bad roads and bridges in New York City make driving even worse. Many of the city’s roads and bridges are old and falling apart, which makes them less safe and harder to maintain. The American Society of Civil Engineers says that 46% of New York City’s major roads are in bad or mediocre shape and 9.5% of the city’s bridges are structurally deficient. Also, parking in the city is hard to find and costs a lot, so many drivers have to drive around in circles to find a place or pay ridiculously high prices.

How Much It Costs to Own and Maintain

It also costs a lot to own and take care of a car in New York City compared to other places. According to a study by WalletHub, New York City is the 83rd most expensive city to own and maintain a car. The study looked at gas prices, insurance rates, car theft rates, and the cost of repairs. That same study also found that New York City has the most expensive parking of all places, at $28.94 per day and $587.07 per month.

New York City drivers also have to pay a lot of taxes and fees for their cars, like registration fees, inspection fees, tolls, and congestion pricing. The city also has complicated and strict rules about parking, which often get cars fines and tickets. The Independent Budget Office says that in fiscal year 2023, New York City collected $957 million in parking fines and fees. This is more than the next 10 biggest U.S. cities put together.

Safety, Getting to and From Vehicles, and Maintenance

New York City is also not a good place to drive because it is unsafe, hard to get to, and needs a lot of upkeep. Based on things like the number of accidents, deaths, car thefts, and DUI arrests, the WalletHub study placed New York City 16th out of 100 cities in terms of safety. Another good thing about the study is that it showed New York City has the fifth lowest rate of car theft in the country.

But there are also a lot of accidents, injuries, and deaths in New York City involving pedestrians, bikers, and drivers. The Department of Transportation says that 203 people died and 54,806 were hurt in road accidents in New York City in 2023. This is more than the year before. Also, there aren’t many car repair shops in the city compared to other cities. This makes it hard and expensive for drivers to find and get good services.

In Conclusion

New York City is a lively and varied city with lots of things to do and see for both locals and tourists. But it’s also hard and annoying for drivers to live and work there because it has the worst traffic and infrastructure, the most expensive cars and repairs, and low safety, access to cars, and repairs. To get around the city, many people choose to use other methods of transportation, like public transportation, biking, walking, or calling a taxi. It might be nice to live, work, and play in New York City, but driving there is not fun at all.

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