Georgia’s Most Popular Last Name and Its Historical Significance

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Written By Blue & Gold NLR Team



SAVANNAH, Ga. – Many people think about popular baby names, including scientists who study what influences parents when choosing names. But what about popular last names?

A recent study by revealed the most common last names in each state, including Georgia. According to the study, the most popular last name across many states is Smith. This name is also among the top three last names in the U.S., except in California, Hawaii, Minnesota, New Mexico, and North Dakota.

Smith is a traditional occupational name, originally referring to a worker specializing in metal, like a blacksmith. Ancestry explains that metalworking was one of the earliest skilled trades, making this name and similar ones common across Europe.

In Georgia, blacksmiths were vital in local communities. When metal goods were expensive or hard to find, blacksmiths made custom metal items like hinges and nails, and repaired tools used in businesses and farms.

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