Georgia State Election Board Sued Over Alleged Open Meetings Act Violation

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Written By Blue & Gold NLR Team



ATLANTA, Ga. – A watchdog group has sued the Georgia State Election Board, alleging that a meeting on July 12 was illegal. According to the lawsuit, filed by American Oversight, the meeting broke the Open Meetings Act because it was held with little public notice and two members, Sara Tindall Ghazal and chairman John Fervier, were absent.

The board had another meeting scheduled for July 9, but members said it never officially ended. Board member Janelle King argued that if the July 12 meeting hadn’t occurred, the work done on July 9 would be invalid. She emphasized that the meeting was just to conclude the previous session and wasn’t meant to be deceptive.

The lawsuit also claims that the Attorney General’s office warned the board that the July 12 meeting likely violated the law, but the meeting proceeded anyway. The lawsuit accuses the board of trying to push through controversial decisions without proper notice and discussion.

The suit seeks to invalidate the July 12 meeting and prevent the board from implementing any decisions made during it.

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