Florida is one of the states that has recently enacted new laws that will significantly impact the lives of numerous residents and visitors, particularly those employed in the fast-food industry. Fast-food employees in Florida will be entitled to improved working conditions, increased wages, and additional protections from their employers as of January 1, 2024.
Increased Minimum Wage
The minimum wage for fast-food workers will be raised to $20 per hour as of April 1, 2024, with this being one of the most substantial modifications that the new law introduces. This represents a substantial increase from the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, which has remained unchanged since 2009. The new wage will be adjusted annually in accordance with the inflation rate, with a maximum increase of 3.5%.
The new wage will be advantageous to approximately 500,000 fast-food employees in Florida, who constitute approximately 6% of the state’s workforce. The average hourly wage for fast-food workers in Florida was $16.21 in 2022, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Consequently, the new law will lead to a 23% increase in their income.
The economy will also benefit from the new wage, as it will increase the purchasing power and consumer spending of fast-food workers, who typically allocate the majority of their income to basic necessities. The Economic Policy Institute conducted a study that concluded that the nationwide implementation of a $15 per hour minimum wage would result in the creation of 1.3 million new jobs and the generation of $107 billion in additional income for low-wage workers.. The effects of a $20 minimum wage in Florida could be even more significant, as it would set a new standard for other states to follow.
Better Working Conditions
Another aspect of the new law that will improve the situation of fast-food workers is the creation of a fast-food council, which will be responsible for setting and enforcing standards for the industry. The council will consist of representatives from fast-food workers, employers, consumers, and the state government, and will have the authority to regulate issues such as health and safety, training, scheduling, and dispute resolution.
The fast-food council will also have the power to impose fines and penalties on fast-food employers who violate the law or the standards set by the council. For example, the council can fine employers who fail to provide adequate breaks, protective equipment, or sick leave to their workers, or who retaliate against workers who exercise their rights. The council can also revoke the licenses of fast-food employers who repeatedly or egregiously violate the law or the standards.
The fast-food council is expected to improve the working conditions and the quality of service in the fast-food industry, as it will ensure that fast-food workers are treated fairly and respectfully, and that fast-food employers comply with the best practices and the public interest.
More Protections for Fast-food Workers
The new law also provides more protections for fast-food workers from discrimination, harassment, and exploitation by their employers. For instance, the law prohibits fast-food employers from discriminating against workers based on their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other protected characteristic.
The law also protects fast-food workers from sexual harassment, which is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates a hostile or offensive work environment.
Additionally, the law protects fast-food workers from wage theft, which is the unlawful practice of withholding or underpaying wages, tips, overtime, or benefits that are owed to workers. The law requires fast-food employers to pay their workers at least once every two weeks, and to provide them with a written statement of their hours, wages, deductions, and gratuities.
The law also allows fast-food workers to file complaints with the fast-food council or the state labor department if they suspect that their wages have been misappropriated, and to recover their unpaid wages, plus damages and attorney fees, if they prevail in court.
Furthermore, the law protects fast-food workers from unjust termination, which is the act of dismissing a worker without a valid reason or due process. The law establishes a just cause standard for termination, which means that fast-food employers can only dismiss workers for a legitimate, job-related reason, such as poor performance, misconduct, or economic necessity.
The law also requires fast-food employers to follow a progressive discipline policy, which means that they have to give workers a warning, a suspension, or a probation period before firing them, unless the worker commits a severe offense. The law also grants fast-food workers the right to appeal their termination to the fast-food council or the state labor relations board, and to seek reinstatement, back pay, or other remedies if they prove that they were dismissed unjustly.
In Conclusion
The new law that Florida has enacted to increase the wages and standards for fast-food workers in 2024 is a landmark legislation that will have a profound impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of workers, as well as the economy and the society of the state. The law will raise the income, dignity, and security of fast-food workers, who are among the most vulnerable and essential laborers in the state.
The law will also benefit the consumers, who will experience better service and quality from the fast-food industry. The law will also set an example for other states and the federal government to follow, as it demonstrates that raising the minimum wage and improving the working conditions for fast-food workers is not only feasible, but also desirable and necessary.