Last night, tragedy unfolded within the walls of an Ohio movie theater, where a shooting claimed the life of an individual. The incident took place around 11 p.m. at a Regal Cinemas theater situated in Massillon, Ohio, approximately 50 miles south of Cleveland.
Upon receiving reports of the shooting, the Massillon Police Department swiftly responded to the scene. They discovered the victim, identified as 27-year-old Daron Davis from Canton, Ohio, tragically deceased in the theater’s front lobby.
Law enforcement authorities acted promptly, and by shortly after 11:30 p.m., they had apprehended a suspect outside the Massillon Police Department. However, the identity of the suspect remains undisclosed, and authorities have not revealed a possible motive for this tragic killing.
As of now, further details about the shooting are scarce, and the investigation into the incident is still ongoing. The community awaits additional information as law enforcement continues its efforts to shed light on this unfortunate event.