Eastern Cherokee Chief Opposes Bill Granting Federal Recognition to Lumbee Tribe

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Written By Blue & Gold NLR Team



The chief of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Michell Hicks, criticized a bill passed by the U.S. House that could grant full federal recognition to the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina.

Chief Hicks said the bill, H.R. 1101, which passed with a 311-96 vote, could set a bad example by allowing recognition without requiring strong evidence of historical, cultural, or genealogical connections. He believes such recognition should follow a stricter process managed by the Office of Federal Acknowledgment OFA, not through Congress.

The Lumbee Tribe, with about 55,000 members, has been seeking full federal recognition since 1978. They are currently only partially recognized, which means they miss out on key federal benefits like government services and the ability to run a casino. The Eastern Band of Cherokee remains the only federally recognized tribe in North Carolina.

Chief Hicks argues the Lumbee Tribe has not proven its descent from a specific historical tribe. He said bypassing the OFA process would weaken the integrity of federal recognition and undermine the struggles of other tribes that followed the established rules.

The Lumbee Tribe traces its roots to survivors of several Native American groups, including the Hatteras, Tuscarora, and Cheraw tribes. Lumbee Chairman John L. Lowery supports the bill, calling it a way to end their second-class status as Native Americans.

Lowery also pushed back against the Eastern Band’s opposition, accusing their leadership of acting superior and trying to deny the Lumbee Tribe equal recognition.

Federal recognition for the Lumbee has been debated for decades. A similar bill was introduced in 2020 and supported by both Donald Trump and Joe Biden during their presidential campaigns.

Chief Hicks urged the Senate to reject the bill, citing opposition from other tribal leaders and calling for recognition to be earned through the proper channels.


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