A Small Florida Town is Suddenly the 2nd Most Dangerous in State

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Written By Blue & Gold NLR Team



Florida is famous for its sunny beaches, theme parks, and diverse culture. However, it also has some of the most dangerous and crime-ridden areas in the country. According to the latest FBI data, Florida ranks third in violent crime rates, just behind Alaska and New Mexico.

While big cities like Miami, Jacksonville, and Orlando are known for their crime rates, there’s a small town that has become the second-most dangerous place in the state, surpassing many larger cities. That town is Pahokee, a rural community of about 6,000 people in Palm Beach County.

Why is Pahokee So Dangerous?

Pahokee has struggled with poverty, unemployment, and social issues for decades. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 40.9% of Pahokee’s residents live in poverty, more than double the state average of 15.4%. The median household income is $26,731, less than half of the state average of $59,227. The unemployment rate in Pahokee is 10.6%, compared to the state’s 4.8%.

These economic challenges have led to a high rate of violence and crime in Pahokee. In 2019, the FBI recorded a violent crime rate of 2,025.6 per 100,000 people in Pahokee, the second-highest in Florida after Florida City. Pahokee also had the highest murder rate in the state, with 11 homicides in 2019, equating to a rate of 183.3 per 100,000 people. In comparison, the national murder rate in 2019 was 5 per 100,000 people.

Several factors contribute to the violence in Pahokee, including gang activity, drug trafficking, domestic disputes, and limited law enforcement resources. Pahokee’s location near Lake Okeechobee makes it a key point for smuggling drugs from Mexico and Central America into the U.S. The town also has a history of neighborhood rivalries, such as between Muck City and the Ridge, leading to shootings and killings. Furthermore, Pahokee’s small police force consists of only 12 officers.

Efforts to Improve the Situation

Despite these grim statistics, there are signs of hope in Pahokee. The town has received federal and state grants to aid economic development, infrastructure improvements, and public safety. For instance, Pahokee received a $1.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to upgrade its water and sewer systems. Additionally, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity awarded Pahokee a $500,000 grant to revitalize its downtown area and create more jobs.

Local initiatives and organizations are also working to reduce violence and crime in Pahokee. The Pahokee Promise, a coalition of community leaders, faith-based groups, and nonprofits, provides mentoring, education, and support services to at-risk youth and families. The Pahokee Blue Devils, the town’s high school football team, has produced several NFL stars and offers many young men a positive outlet and the chance to pursue their dreams.


Pahokee, a small town in Florida, has faced a serious crisis of violence and crime for years. With some of the highest rates of poverty, unemployment, and murder in the state, the town struggles with significant social and economic challenges.

However, Pahokee is not without hope. Various efforts and opportunities are in place to improve the situation and make the town a safer, better place to live. Pahokee needs more attention, investment, and support from the rest of the state and the country. It is a town that deserves a chance to overcome its problems and achieve its potential.

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