4 Missouri Cities Rank Among the Most Dangerous Cities in America.

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Written By Blue & Gold NLR Team



It has been found that several towns in Missouri are some of the most dangerous in the whole country. A new study says that four cities in Missouri are among the most dangerous in the United States. These are the names of the cities: Kennett, Nevada, Springfield, and St. Louis. This piece will talk about why these cities have such high crime rates and what is being done to fix the problem.

St. Louis

It is 234% more dangerous in St. Louis than it is in the rest of Missouri, and it is one of the most dangerous cities in the US overall. Even though the city has a lot of cultural attractions and a long past, like the Gateway Arch and the St. Louis Art Museum, it has a lot of violent crime, like murders and thefts.

Crime rates are very high in downtown and central St. Louis. Crime is 323% higher in the Gravois Park neighborhood than in the rest of the country as a whole.


Springfield is the third-largest city in Missouri. It has lovely parks and a lively arts scene. It is the second most dangerous place in the state, though.

A lot of property crimes, like burglaries and thefts, happen in some areas. Springfield has a crime about every 45 minutes on average. There is also a chance that violent crimes like murder and attack will happen in the area.


The Missouri city of Nevada is also very dangerous. You might want to skip this place if you’re in Missouri. Nevada has some interesting historical places, like the Bushwhacker Museum, but it also has a very high crime rate, which includes both violent and property crimes. Nevada has 204% more crimes than the rest of the country.


The city of Kennett in Missouri is one of the most dangerous in the state. This is the fourth most dangerous place in the state. It is in the southwestern part of the state. Even though Kennett is small and in the country, it has a high crime rate. Property crimes and drug-related crimes are the biggest problems. About 75% of all crimes in the city are theft, burglary, or robbery.

What steps are being taken to make these cities safer?

Three things are being done to make the cities of St. Louis, Springfield, Nevada, and Kennett, Missouri safer:

1. Engineering Countermeasures: Projects are being done on highway construction and traffic engineering to cut down on dangerous moving violations and make the roads safer. Some of these projects are corridor studies, improving intersections, operational analyses, sign surveys, pedestrian and bike route analyses, and parking studies.

2. Making the law and programs for it: Traffic safety police programs based on facts are being put in place, with the goal of reducing violations, accidents, and other problems. As part of these programs, there are mobilizations for things like impaired driving and occupant protection, as well as DWI/traffic activities and task teams with members from multiple jurisdictions.

3. Education and Awareness of the Public: Campaigns are being run to make people aware of safe driving habits, like the “Buckle Up, Phone Down” program and seat belt laws at night. The goal of these efforts is to lower the number of deaths and serious injuries on Missouri’s roads.

4. Data Analysis and Evaluation: A lot of different types of data are being used to look at traffic accident numbers and find trends, places where things could be better, and possible solutions. This analysis of the data helps people come up with good ways to lower the number of deaths and major injuries.

5. Reaching out to the community and working together: Programs are being run to reach out to the community and get people involved in safety efforts for the roads. For these programs to work, state and local governments and the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety must work together.

6. Highway Safety Grants and Funding: Federal funding is being channeled to the state from the Section 402 Highway Safety Program within the U.S. Department of Transportation. This funding supports the development of countermeasure projects to address traffic crash issues.

The goal of these steps is to lower the high crime rates and make these Missouri towns safer overall.

In conclusion

Some of the most dangerous towns in the United States are in Missouri. They are St. Louis, Springfield, Nevada, and Kennett. There is a lot of violent and property crime in these places, which makes the crime rates there very high. More police officers and community programs are helping towns deal with these problems, but more needs to be done to make sure the safety of their residents.

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